About Kris Craves
Kris Craves is a food and travel blog where I share all of our favorite eats. To me, food is more than just sustenance. It is a way to reconnect with loved ones, celebrate joyful occasions, and one of my most enjoyable reasons for living.
I feel bad for those who cling onto their fad diets and calorie counting, since life’s too short for a bad meal. Everything should be enjoyed in moderation. The secret to happiness is balance: eat a salad for lunch, if you’re craving fried chicken for dinner. 
About Me
I’m Kris, and I live to eat.
My favorite times during the work day is lunch time and then a brief moment in the afternoon when I decide what to cook for dinner.
When someone mentions food, my eyes light up.
The way to my heart is most certainly food.
I’m willing to try (almost) any food. The almost is reserved for man’s best friend and creepy crawlers.
I love greasy food trucks to exquisite Michelin-starred sushi bars to themed finger foods – and everything in between.
When I have stomach bugs, I still dream about the next meal.
My favorite food is anything made by a loved one who pours their heart into their cooking.